Thursday, February 13, 2020: A Serial Criminal in the Oval Office
We all remember the statement Trump made in 2016 about the staunch loyalty of his supporters. "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters." Well folks, except for the fact that he probably doesn't carry a gun, he likely would have shot one of his perceived enemies by now and his gun tote'n, bible thumping groupies would still cheer and sneer at his rallies and vote for him this fall.
The Muller investigation and Trump's impeachment paint a clear picture of a treasonous scum bag who acts with impunity. The question isn't what criminal acts will he commit next, it is how many and how serious. Whatever he does, it is Moscow Mitch and the spineless Senate Republicans that are responsible. They had the opportunity to shut the son-of-bitch down and failed miserably. I am not sure which is worse - his treason or their cowardice.
Monday, February 10, 2020: Polluter in Chief
The Trump administration (the EPA) announced last month that many of the nation's streams and wetlands would no longer be protected under the Clean Water Act, perhaps the nation's most successful antipollution law. The agency said it could not predict how many miles of streams and acres of wetlands would lose their protection because of "existing data and mapping limitations." In other words, the E.P.A. was sharply narrowing the reach of a landmark environmental law without understanding the consequences of its actions.
Last year, Trout Unlimited analyzed detailed United States Geological Survey stream and topographic maps and other resources. Their research suggests that more than six million miles of streams — half the total in the United States — will now be unprotected by the Clean Water Act, because they flow only after rainfall. More than 42 million acres of wetlands — again, about half the country's total — will no longer be protected because they are not immediately adjacent to larger waters.
This will make it easier to pollute streams and fill in wetlands that safeguard our water supplies, reduce flood risks and provide for healthy fish and wildlife habitat. And it will make it harder to provide sensible oversight of oil and gas projects, pipeline construction and major housing development. The impacts will be felt nationwide.
So Trump voter, when will you wake up? – Will it only be after you and your children no longer have potable water to drink?
Thursday, February 7, 2020: Trump's Acquittal
After Trump's acquittal, a reported wondered how any of the Republican senators could stand upright without a spine. Trump's acquittal by the Senate Republicans was an affront to the founding fathers and a blow to our constitution. Where are the real patriots in this country? They certainly aren't in the Republican Party. Their oath of office to uphold the constitution took a backseat to their fear that they might not be able to keep their cushy D.C. jobs.