Thursday, February 3, 2022: Rearranging the chairs on the deck of the U.S.A. Titanic.
Yep folks, that is where we are at. Our fucking country is being deep-sixed by the Republicans and their propaganda machine, and we are worried about inflation and the fact that we can't get Amazon to deliver all that shit we don't need because it is sitting on container ships off the coast of major U.S. ports.
In the mean time, Russia and China are in a race to see which of them will be the leader of a world dominated by autocratic governments. If Tucker Carlson is any indication of the thinking going on behind the scenes of the Republican Party, they plan to sell us out to Putin. Clearly that was Trump's plan.
The current Republican solidarity is the strongest indictment I know of the power of evil. The fact that their ideology can infect the vast numbers of Republican adherents lays bare the power of the dark side of human nature. What is even more incredible is the self-righteousness that dominates their ilk. Whether they wrap themselves in the flag or thump their bible, they consistently deny a common humanity believing that some (they) are more equal than others. The idea that you can somehow appeal to their better selves is a fiction. They are blind to the evil that infects them.
So I've stopped trying to argue with a Republican. I've taken the position that you never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.