Thursday, July 30, 2020: K I S S
If there is one thing the Republican party does well, it is their ability to keep the message simple. They understand that the Keep It Simple (KISS) rule is critical to winning the Republican vote. They know that the new republican electorate does not want complex explanations and complex solutions to complex problems.
I remember an interview with some Tea Party types (soon to become MAGA Republicans) prior to the election. When asked which they preferred, Obama Care or the Affordable Care Act, their overwhelming response was the ACA. These are the Trump minions. They are clueless and to win their vote, the message has to be simple otherwise they become confused. In the case of the ACA, buy tying directly to President Obama, they were able to win over the racists.
The Democrats have failed to understand to address this fundamental difference in the American electorate. Yes, many of the Trump supporters are one issue voters, but they have one thing in common. They like it simple. It has taken a group of Republicans (The Lincoln Project) to use their own strategy against the party.