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Friday May 12, 2023:  The Party of Lies, Hypocrisy and Consummate Evil
I still cannot understand how anyone in good conscience can vote for a Republican – up or down the ballot. Just when you think you have seen the lowest of low – like the shit that grows on the bottom of a garbage can – one or more of them makes that shit look edible.

Let's take this weeks shit stars – Santos, McCarthy, and yes the Trumpster.

Santos gets indicted on 13 counts in federal court for things like money laundering and wire fraud and basically says "screw you, I get full pay and benefits on the backs of the American taxpayer, so I'm happier than a pig in shit".

McCarthy, the puppet for the Republican seditionists who want to create an American autocracy, is willing to tank the global economy so he can screw the people who put him in office and make the rich Republican benefactors even richer. Oh, and then there is his hypocrisy in refusing to sanction Santos because he only has four votes to do his dirty work. I mean, if Santos were a Democrat, McCarthy would use his slim majority to make mince meat out of him.

Last but certainly not least is Trump. If anyone had any doubts about this misogynistic asshole, one only had to listen to him spew his vitriol on CNN under some misguided reasoning that the "town hall was some kind of balanced reporting." Trump loved it. He had a national forum, an adoring crowd, and nothing to stop his moronic, middle school bully blathering or his bullshit lies.

And if all that isn't enough, there are the partisan assholes on the Supreme Court who want you to believe that they are moral and ethical saints. All these justices were appointed by Republicans. Let's start with Thomas. The guy has accepted millions in luxury vacations together with numerous other questionable transactions. All the while his wife has been complicit in the attempted overthrow of our government. Then there is Gorsuch who had a law firm with a substantial case load before the Supreme Court bail him out of a bad real estate deal. Next on the list is Roberts whose wife earned more than $10 million placing lawyers with law firms, some of which had cases before the court. Then there is the fact that Gorsuch, Barrett and Kavanaugh all misrepresented their positions on Roe v. Wade and stare decisis, knowing full well they were going to overturn Roe. Finally, there is Alito, probably the biggest jerk on the court. He claims that he knows who leaked the Roe decision, but can't tell. In all likelihood, it was him.

There is truly no bottom to the Republican amoral abyss.

Copyright J. R. Avery
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