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Sunday, November 17, 2019:   The Road to Moral Bankruptcy
A recent poll suggests that Trump has a chance to win in 2020 - or more specifically be appointed again by the electoral college. At this point, that is depressing because it is an indictment of how morally bankrupt we have become.

Donald Trump is an extreme narcissist, pathologically dishonest, shameless, a man who delights in flouting norms. He has a mobster's mentality. Trump's behavior is not governed by moral standards; he doesn't seem to believe objective moral standards even exist. He can no more understand the language of morality than someone listening to a foreign language for the first time can understand what is being said.

Supporting Trump at this point means that you are either as morally bankrupt as him or just plain ignorant of the facts – or maybe both. This country was build on principles that no longer seem to matter; on common courtesies that no longer apply; on values that no longer exist. We have allowed the ass hole in the oval office and his appointees to take us down a rat hole that no decent person would get near in the past and social media has metastasize his amoral malignancy into every nook and corner of this once great land.

I have long believed that an organization's "culture" is set from the top. The term lead by example is the primary manifestation of that adage. A leader's responsibility is to do the right thing in spite of the consequences. The great challenge of leadership is to understand that and act accordingly.

Michelle Obama's classic statement was that "when they go low, we go high". This message seems to be lost on the Republican members of congress whose job should be to stop the maniac in the oval office.

It is also true that it is easier to destroy and than to build. In three short years, Trump has taken this country to an unthinkable moral low. Assuming he is not reelected in 2020, it will take years to rebuild the moral fiber of this nation.

Copyright J. R. Avery
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