Saturday, November 14, 2020: It's All About The Brand
There is a great deal being written and discussed on the political ramifications of Trump's refusal to concede the election – likening it to the way autocrats and right wing strongmen act. And it's true he is emulating that type of behavior, but it is not to stay in power. His behavior is not about politics or power, it is simply about building his brand. In his mind, he erected a big Trump sign on the White House and frankly, it has worked. Yes, DJ is a poor loser, but in the end he achieved his objective and his continued behavior is simply a way to stay in the limelight.
How many articles, news reports, and tweets about him or by him do you think have been written, published and broadcast in the last five years? How many public and private conversations on his latest antics happen on a daily basis? Before he ran for president, I would be willing to bet the majority of his minions knew little or nothing about DJ Trump. Now, love him or hate him, he is the collective focus of the world's attention. So yes, his brand has benefited immeasurably from the last four years. The real question is can he capitalize on it? How much brand loyalty will continue after he leaves the oval office? Hard to say, but I can assure you DJ will carry on as he has, making every effort to leverage any media exposure he can get.
The tragedy is that his brand building has permanently damaged our country, our democracy, the rule of law, an untold number of public and private individual careers, and killed or disabled tens of thousands of Americans who are victims of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020: Houston, We Have A Problem – It's 70,400,00 Or Thereabouts
This week it has become abundantly clear that America has sunk to an all time low. When 70 million "Americans" can vote for a total asshole after four years of absolute chaos, it says everything about the make up of our county. Trump is clearly an embodiment of half our countries warped version of a hero.
I am not sure where the traditional Republican voter has gone. Other than the few thousand super rich who clearly benefit from having Trump in office so they can rape and pillage our democracy, the rest fall into the deplorable category. Clearly Republican Party has morphed into the party of Trump and like Trump the party has a collective personality disorder. In repeated interviews, his minions project their aberrant behavior onto democrats, which is a classic attribute of a deranged personality. Clearly they are easily manipulated. As Trump has said, he tells them what they want to hear and by doing so he legitimizes their warped thinking and their vile prejudices.
When interviewed his minions suggest that the economy was the reason they voted for Trump. That is their rationale, but it is a bunch of crap. Look at the pictures of Trump's rallies. They are populated with lower middle class whites who see their inevitable decline into a minority. Their fear comes from knowing how minorities have been treated in this country and knowing they are the protagonists of much of the racial and ethnic animus that exists today
Is it possible for Biden to bridge the divide? Well, not in the short run and probably not in his first term. The 70 million people who voted for Trump are the haters and as we know, haters gotta hate. I believe that good and evil are a universal part of the human condition and I would even go so far and say that the Trump voters represent a collective embodiment of evil. Granted it is a spectrum and not all of Trump's supporters are on the far right of evil. But they are all complicit in promoting and supporting his evil ways.
Now that the election hysteria is over, some of Trump's voters will simply climb back onto their favorite bar stool and order a beer. For others though, this will be a call for more violent action. Biden is still sitting on a power keg and it would take very little for it to explode into civil unrest. There is the right and then there is the extreme right and they have assault rifles.
And Trump will not go away quietly and crawl back under his gold shit can. He will continue to tweet his lies, play the poor me role and incite violence. The best thing that can happen to him is if New York prosecutes him and his family for their numerous "white collar" crimes.
I think the key is for Biden to focus on restoring sanity to American government and work on undoing the damage that Trump has done over his four years. Confronting Trump's supporters would serve no purpose other than to give them an excuse to continue there traitorous behavior.