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Friday, October 13, 2023:  Just When You Thought It Could Not Get Any Worse
The only real duty for a member of congress is to govern. That requires an in-depth knowledge on the needs of the country and the wishes of the electorate. It also requires a thorough understanding of how government works and how laws are drafted and passed. It is critical to a functioning Senate and House that members are willing, able, and intelligent enough to perform their duty. Unfortunately, there are a significant number of Republican members in the Senate and House who are total morons. They are not capable of performing even the most basic elements of their job description.

Combine Republican ineptitude with a total lack of moral courage, the Mar a Largo MAGA sociopath, plus insert a group of halfwits that want to turn us into a third world banana republic, and you have the formula for the perfect political storm - one that has brought our great country to its knees.

Copyright J. R. Avery
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