Wednesday, April 8, 2020: Coronavirus: Hello America! I'm Your Wake Up Call!
Here is today's reality. Bacteria and viruses are an existential threat to humankind's existence. To date, we have managed to beat back previous viral outbreaks and our store of antibiotics has kept bacteria in check, but we are losing the battle folks. Covid19 has proven that avoiding a global pandemic to date has likely been result of herculean effort and pure dumb luck.
Unfortunately, Covid 19 apparently has a higher IQ than most of humankind. Either way, we haven't figured out that we aren't winning the battle and on top of that, there is a whole bunch of us who appear to be too stupid to actually do what it takes to avoid extinction.
I understand that it often takes some time for people to wake up and realize that their lives and those of their loved ones are in danger – especially when there is a dearth of leadership. What has been so shocking with this current crisis is how many people are ignoring the deluge of information on this pandemic.
Take Amond Bundy is a prime example. This is the yahoo whose armed takeover of the Oregon refuge with dozens of other men and women in 2016 led to a 41-day standoff. In the face of an executive order from the governor to avoid group gatherings, Bundy held a meeting to create a network of people ready to come to the aid of those facing closure of their businesses or other interference from the government. Mr. Bundy told the meeting "If it gets bad enough, and our rights are infringed upon enough, we can physically stand in defense in whatever way we need to," Mr. Bundy told the meeting. "But we hope we don't have to get there."
The problem is he gets support from those who should be helping to protect us from the likes of Bundy. One of Idaho's finest, State Representative Heather Scott, is encouraging her constituents to push back on the statewide stay-at-home order, saying people have "a God-given constitutionally protected right to peacefully assemble."
Tennessee is another example. If you look at the "Stay at Home" order from the governor, it states "WHEREAS, because protecting personal liberty is deeply important, this Order is not a shelter-in-place mandate and instead strongly urges Tennesseans to stay at home when at all possible for the protection of themselves and their community;" It then goes on in the appendix to basically make everything an essential service.
The fact is that humankind hasn't survived and flourished on rugged individualism. Humans are social animals. We have a far better chance of surviving if we work together and not act as a bunch of lone wolves. The survivalist mentality is total bullshit. If we don't stand together as a society, even the doomsday preppers will ultimately be doomed.
Here is the bottom line. Either the "herd" works together to avoid extinction or we all die. It would be nice if the only Americans contracting this virus were those too stupid or too arrogant to follow the guidelines. That would help cull the herd of idiots. But alas, that is not the case. The idiots who refuse to take those actions necessary to limit the impact of this pandemic put all of us at risk.