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Friday, May 29, 2020:   Can America ever be great again?
Eight years of Dubya all but destroyed the economy. It took President Obama the good part of two terms in office to put the country back on an even economic keel. By the end of the Obama administration, America had returned to the path of providing world leadership on numerous fronts. Then came Trump. In three and a half years he and his minions have done more damage to our country, our democracy, and our relationships with other countries than the sum of all previous administrations. And yet, his approval ratings stubbornly hold in 30% to 40% range.

In fact, this should not be a surprise. His supporters provide the clearest profile of how low we have sunk in this country. Obviously the rich white folks love him. He has systematically shredded any federal regulation that has gotten in the way of them making obscene amounts of money and paving the path for widening the wealth gap. Then there are the bozos that show up at Trump rallies. Right now you see the same faces that you have seen at his rallies out defying lock downs and the measures in place to prevent the spread of Covid19. The pandemic has become another example of Trump's mastery over his most loyal subjects and his ability to manipulate them into violating their own instincts. It is this power over a substantial bloc of the electorate that put him in the White House and it continues to make him very dangerous. And as long as he reigns, America cannot and will not be great.

Copyright J. R. Avery
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