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Friday, August 30, 2024:  What Is Lower Than Pond Scum?

Once again Trump and his entourage have proven that they are lower than pond scum.

The incident in Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery not only violated the restrictions that prohibit using ceremonies at the site as a "political photo op" but it also denigrated the ultimate sacrifice made by those who have served our country with honor and dignity. For Trump to even stand on the hallowed ground of Arlington as an admitted draft dodger is the ultimate insult to our service men and women. Add to that his destain for anyone who has served and you have to wonder why any veteran or service member would even consider voting for Trump.

As a decorated combat veteran of the Vietnam War, I have nothing be contempt for the likes of Trump and the assholes that surround him.

Thursday, August 22, 2024:  Really, WWJD?

I want to ask the Christian nationalists how their current behavior fits into one of their past "go to" phases – "What Would Jesus Do"?

Let's face it, Christ didn't create Christianity. Christ was a Jew - a carpenter by trade from the area that is now called Palestine. Given Christ's ethnic background, I would expect him to be dark skinned. What? You mean he was not some old, self righteous white guy.

Christianity and the New Testament were a creation of a bunch of fallible humans. However well intentioned they were, humankind has done what humankind always does, they have royally screwed up the purpose of Christ's teachings. I think the early followers of Christ would be appalled and disgusted by what now passes as Christianity.

I don't pretend to be a Christian, but the biblical story of Christ's life is fairly well known. I think he was the first to acknowledge the separation of church and state - "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's". He ministered to the sinners and the poor. He had no love or time for rich who would exploit the less fortunate – "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God" and he drove the "money changers" from the temple. Do you think that Jesus wouldn't provide free breakfast and lunches to school children? I mean, he did the "water to wine thing" for a wedding because his mom asked him to and then there was the "loaves and fishes" bit for the crowd that showed up to listen to him preach. Whether you believe these to be miracles or not, the intent was clear.

So in my opinion, today's Christian nationalists are really just hypocrites. They are CHINOs - Christians in name only. And if you believe in hell, they will probably pave the way in.

Friday, August 9, 2024:  Weird Really Doesn't Describe the Frump/Bubba Ticket

I think a better description is Bizarre. Weird and bizarre are often used interchangeably. However, bizarre is usually used when something is so weird that you start to be nervous or afraid. While weird behavior can be strange, bizarre often describes behavior that could be considered on the fringe of psychotic.

Wednesday, August 1, 2024:  You Can't Make A Silk Purse Out Of A Sow's Ear!

It is hard to believe that a proven sociopath, Donald the Frump, could choose as his running mate a person who is more screwed up than he is. (The Sarah Palin selection comes in a close second.) Trump would be hard pressed find a bigger asshole than J.D.

J. D. Vance is the poster boy for those who support the theory of nurture over nature in the development of one's personality. The abused becomes the abuser, but in this case, the abuse would be sociological, political, and potentially world wide. We now have Yale educated, white trash elevated to a position that could potentially make him the president of the United States. Let's face if folks, the Frumpster isn't going to make it four more years in one piece if at all. I would put money on him pushing up weeds within two years.

So I ask this of even the most die hard Republicans. Do you really want Washington D.C turned into a metropolitan version of Deliverance? January 6, 2021 came close, but like everything else in this screwed up world, it could get dramatically worse with Frump and Vance.

Copyright J. R. Avery
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