Thursday, December 1, 2022: The MAGA Conservative Defined
The most succinct description of the MAGA voter I have seen was in a November 16, 2022 opinion piece in the New York Times by Charles Blow titled "Trump's Moment Has Passed". Here is that description from his article.
"Conservatives, broadly speaking, are addicted to the political equivalent of the tent revival: wanting to believe, wanting affirmation, exalting the traveling preacher until that person moves on and the next one arrives.
They are adrenaline junkies forming serial attachments to the evangelists of their anger. Their devotion to one appears complete until it collapses or is supplanted by another. They are addicted to the feeling of falling in love.
For decades, conservatives have been a mass of angst and anger ready to hitch themselves to the next flaming chariot. They convince themselves, in the moment, that some principle is propelling their attachments — economic restraint, safe borders, anti-wokeness — but it is, in fact, just a perpetual rebellion against inclusion and enlightenment.
For them, change, growth and evolution are the enemy."
So if you are a MAGA conservative and you really want to live in a racist theocracy run by men who carry automatic weapons, suppress women, and dis the educated, I suggest you move to Afghanistan and see what it is like. And if you really like it there, stay.