Wednesday, January 18, 2023: Hate, Ignorance And Lies: The Core Republican Tools
So how do you unite the right? You give them something to hate. Hate along with ignorance and lies provide a focus that effectively overrides reason and logic. So the Republican cabal led by the Koch network of donors using the Murdoch media, have capitalized on this. They realized that haters have to hate and there is no end to what the cabal gets them to hate. The list is extensive: "woke", democrats, liberals, public education, gun laws, non-Christians, brown skinned people, Asians, immigrants, the traditional media, a women's rights to choose, hate, hate, hate. The problem is that the majority of these poor saps often don't even know why they hate these things. (Reminds me of the tea party couple that was asked whether they like the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare. They answered the ACA. Totally clueless.) In the mean time, while the Republican electorate is focused on hating, the cabal is leveraging their minions in congress to pass legislation that benefits them while screwing the rest of us.
Saturday, January 14, 2023: 2023: The Year of the Republican Shit Storm
So with the new congress, the Republican crazies have gotten a firm lock on the House of Representatives and right out out the blocks, they have shown that they have no interest in representing the citizens who elected them. The fascist gang of twenty has McCarthy by the short hairs - I would say by the balls, but McCarthy lacks that part of the male anatomy. Contrary to their rhetoric, it really is only about their power, their hate, getting revenge for criminals like Trump, pleasing their rich benefactors, and frankly a whole bunch of just stupid shit.
What still amazes me is that the common shmucks that vote for these republicans get absolutely nothing. There isn't a single part of the Republican platform that benefits the old farts I see sitting in the local restaurants with their MAGA hats on. The Republican platform is solely designed to insure that their rich benefactors get all the perks and benefits that they bought and paid for. Not only does that include slashing any regulation that might get in the way of the rich earning obscene amounts of money, but also making sure that the effective tax rates on the rich are below those at the lowest earned income levels and that the IRS won't have the resources to audit the one percenters.
On the other side of the Republican coin, they have openly stated that one of their primary goals is to cut the Federal programs that benefit the poor, middle class, and retirees. Core to their plan is getting rid of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Oh, they talk about a balanced budget and cutting the deficit, but NOT by making the rich and corporations pay their fair share. Nope. They want to do it by screwing their constituents. While screwing their constituents might seem apropos, it is the rest of us who didn't vote for these ass holes that are really getting shafted.
These are the "law and order" guys who "back the blue" unless of course the "blues" are after them. In that case, it is clearly a government conspiracy and it is OK to "dis" the blue. To my point, only one Republican of two hundred twenty-two showed up at this year's ceremony to honor the brave capital police officers who battled the insurrectionists and put their lives on the line to protect these same representatives.
So this year I am simply going to comment on what McCarthy and the right wing nuts like Representative Jim Jordan are doing or not doing as the case may be.....
We can only hope that they don't do something really stupid like fail to increase the debt ceiling. That literally would fuck the global economy and all of us in it. And for those out there who don't understand the implications of failing to increase the debt ceiling, it is time you "woke" up.