F E B R U A R Y   2 0 2 1

Wednesday, February 24, 2021:   The Consequences Of Behavior Can Be Delayed But Not Denied
It is time to take back our nation from those who would destroy our democracy starting with Trump, Cruz, Hawley and those who violated our country's most cherished institutions. I really don't care how we get them as long as the charges stick and we throw them in prison. And we need stop putting these assholes in the cushy lockups. They need to go where we send traitors and terrorists – how about Guantanamo as a start.

Thursday, February 4, 2021:   The Aftermath And The Detritus That Was Once The Republican Party
The political storm we called an election is over and a new administration is being sworn into office. The last four years can only be described as an "un"natural disaster of epic proportions. There are few if any Americans who have not been adversely impacted by the failures and outright criminal behavior of the Trump administration and the various appointed and elected officials that supported his vain attempt at destroying our democracy.

As with any disaster, one of the first activities is to survey the damage and in this case it is massive. Our economy, our collective health, our environment, our global standing and respect as a nation have all been severely damaged. Clearly this is an example of the old adage that it is easier to destroy than to create.

Then there is what remains of the Republican Party. It is now somewhere between the aftermath of frat party and a cesspool. There is pervasive fecal matter floating around in the GOP and the stink is incredible. The party is now populated with pond guano like Greene, McCarthy, Graham, Cruze, and Hawley. I would like to think that they simply lack a moral compass, but alas, I feel it is far worse. They are evil incarnate. Yes, there are a few remaining decent elected Republicans, but they are becoming scarce. Most of the Republican lot would make Darth Vader drool with envy.

It has been reported that there is a significant number of registered Republican voters who are now changing their party affiliation to independent. I would do the same if I were them. What decent person would want to have their party affiliation be, "hey, I'm with the racist anarchists trying to destroy American democracy?"

Copyright J. R. Avery
v21.02 r2