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Monday, March 1, 2021:   Passionate Hatred Can Give Meaning and Purpose To An Empty Life
So yesterday ended the gathering of the deplorables a.k.a the Conservative Political Action Conference. These are the people whose entire political platform is hate. They gathered in part to show their undying adoration for their hater in chief, uncle don. These are the imbeciles who the Republicans let in the door with the Tea Party and now have the party by its collective genitals. The real question is whether any vestige of the Grand Old Party even exists or are there just a few last sane members crying out in agony at the death knell.

If there is any hope of a GOP Phoenix rising from the ashes, the party must first burn to the ground. In political terms, that means losing the next two elections big time. If that doesn't happen, then our American democracy will remain on life support. One of the deplorables said they likely wouldn't vote in the next presidential election if Trump wasn't on the ticket. Well folks, it is time to make sure he is not.

Copyright J. R. Avery
v21.03 r1