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Friday, February 21, 2025:  Putin's Puppet

"The difference between genius and stupidity is: genius has its limits."
- Alexandre Dumas-fils

I define stupidity as acting in a way that purposefully ignores the broad consequences of your actions in order to achieve a specific end. The idea that somehow the end justifies the means. The collective stupid that is being exhibited by Trump and his partners in crime is infinite.

Take Trump's desire to be Putin's good buddy. He is willing to throw entire countries under the bus to make that happen. Putin is a puppet master who knows that all he has to do is stroke Trump's fragile ego and he can get Trump to do what ever he wants including sacrificing 38 million Ukrainians and their country.

"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency of the certainty of corruption by authority."
- Lord Acton

Saturday, February 1, 2025:  Trump's Folly

One of the fundamentals of any organization is that the culture of that organization starts at the top. If the person at the top is incompetent, corrupt, amoral, immoral, unethical, or just a common crook, then he/she will surround themselves with individuals of his or her ilk. The result will always be chaos, confusion, and ultimately, abject failure of the enterprise.

On January 20th, Trump swore to faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and to the best of his ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Interestingly, he did not or maybe would not, put his left hand on the bible that his wife dutifully held next to him. Herein lies the fundamental flaw in Trump's pledge. As a sociopath, he lacks the ABILITY to fulfill the oath. His words are fundamentally meaningless.

Trump had four reasons for wanting to win the election. First and foremost, he wanted to stay out of jail (which, by the way, is where he should be). Second, the sicko cannot ever (and I mean ever) let go of a grudge. He intends to get revenge on every individual or organization who he thinks wronged him or failed to properly bend a knee and kiss his fat ass. Third, he has a "want to be" dictator complex that drives him to do really, really stupid shit thinking that somehow his actions will put him on a level with the likes of Vladi, Viktor O, Fat Kim, and Jinping. Finally, he is jealous of Elon "Ruskie's" enormous wealth and wants to use the Office of the President to further enrich himself and his family.

In the end, Donald Trump is just an incompetent, corrupt, amoral, immoral, unethical convicted felon. He will surround himself with appointees that are reflections of himself. Their job will not include fulfilling their oath to uphold the constitution. They will simply be Trump's minions whose singular role will be to do his bidding.

Assuming we make it to the end of Trump's second term, we will be lucky if America is half the country it is today.

Copyright J. R. Avery
v25.04 r2