Monday, January 20, 2025: A Day That Will Live in Infamy!
Congratulations MAGA orcs… Thanks to you, a convicted felon, rapist, seditionist, and traitor has been sworn into the highest office in the land. I thought when Bush 2 won a second term that America had reached an all time political low. I was mistaken. The MAGA pandemic took hold, and lo and behold, we've sunk into the depths of political hell. I mean Trump makes "dubyah" look like a choir boy.
With the Trumpster's inauguration we are about to embark on four years of chaos and destruction that will make the civil war look like a civil disturbance. There are no longer checks and balances in place to protect law abiding American citizens from the psychopath that now sits in the Oval Office. I mean, the Supreme Court of the land has given him immunity for any of his nefarious acts. For the next four years he and his minions will do nothing but wreak havoc on our great country and all our global partners in democracy.
The only justice, if you can call it that, is that all you MAGA folks are about to get screwed by the Trumpster and his rich friends. Unfortunately, so will all rest of us who didn't vote for the asshole.
And while we are mired in the shit that will flow from Oval Office, China and Russia will use the next four years to advance and expand their world domination. Parts of Eastern Europe will fall to Putin and China will take control of the South China sea and go after Taiwan, and the Philippines. Back at home, Herr Trump not to be outdone, has his sights set on invading Greenland, Canada, and Mexico.
And what does Trump do on his first day in office? He signs executive orders that start tearing down America.
I watched them tearing the building down,
a group of men in a busy town.
With a ho heave ho and a lusty yell,
they swung a beam and a side wall fell.
I asked the foreman, 'Are these men skilled,
the kind I'd hire if I wanted to build?'
He gave a laugh and said no indeed,
Why common labor is all I need.
These men can wreck in a day or two
what builders have taken years to do.
I asked myself as I went my way,
which of these roles has Trump tried to play?
Has he been a builder that works with care,
measuring his deeds by the rule and square?
Or is he a wrecker that stalks the town,
content with the job of tearing it down?
Let The Chaos Begin!
