Sunday, June 6, 2021: The Battle For Our Democracy
We are in an all out civil war. The outcome will either be a stronger democracy or a Republican run Authoritarian state. With the nut case in the Mar-a-Lago asylum claiming that he will be "re-instated" as president this summer and the likes of the seditionist Michael Flynn telling the QAnon minions to take up arms and overthrow the American government, we can expect that there will be pockets of crazies who will attempt to do the bidding of these fascist pigs. While I am convinced they are out numbered, there is no question these idiots are heavily armed and tacitly committed to their warped sense of patriotism.
And all of this is being underwritten and supported by state and federal elected Republicans for whom power is their pure and simple goal. They couldn't give a shit about America or any of the true patriots who love and cherish our democracy. Their goal is to destroy any vestiges of a true democracy and replace it with Authoritarianism. They reject political plurality and intend to use of a strong central power to preserve the political status quo, reduce or eliminate the rule of law, eliminate the true separation of powers, and suppress democratic voting. They want a a country where the rich and powerful benefit and the rest of us are nothing but the proletariat.
This has been the goal of the Republicans for years and they have almost achieved it. Just think about the Federalist Society judicial candidates they pushed through, Mitch the turtle blocking any and all laws in the Senate that benefit average Americans, the incompetent Supreme Court justices like Kavanaugh, and all the voter suppression laws being enacted. None of this happened by accident. It has been orchestrated and funded by the likes of the Kochs and others.