Thursday, May 13, 2021: The American Fascist Party
As more and more Republican controlled states restrict voting, America moves ever closer toward fascism. We are a country of Democratic voters. Each election, more over all votes are cast for democrats than Republicans and yet Republicans have managed to maintain control. No secret here, they lie and cheat. But that was not enough in this last election. When they lost control of the Senate and the lost presidency in 2020, they gave up all pretense of being a party that represents the people. Like the good loyal fascists they are, they have moved aggressively to create laws in the states that block as many democratic voters as possible even at the expense of some of their own votes.
Today, the Republican party is best represented by a hodge-podge of worthless pieces of shit. The first are the aggressive, gun toting, know it all types like Marjorie Taylor Green. She would have made a great Nazi under Hitler. It is hard to believe that anyone can be as full of themselves as she is. Not sure if she actually believes the crap she peddles, but she does a great job of looking like she does. She basically goes into full bitch mode on que to make herself as obnoxiously aggressive as humanly possible.
The second are the puppets of the rich best exemplified by Mitch the turtle. Mitch is the biggest freeloader that ever set foot in the Senate. He openly admits that he doesn't plan to support anything. His primary objective, to the extent he can, is to block any and all proposed legislation coming from President Biden or the Democrats. His only goal in political life is to pack the courts with ultra conservative idiots selected by Federalist Society.
Then there are the bubba wanabes, Josh and Ted - a couple of Ivy League educated assholes that want you to believe they are just a couple of good old boys.
Finally, there are the zombies which consists of rest of the brainless Republicans in the congress. Just a bunch of reanimated corpses who simply do what they are told like all good minions.
So if you are a lying, greedy, self-centered, arrogant, hypocritical and bigoted elitist with no policy, no platform, no morals, no ethics and only loyalty to the golden thrown on which Trump takes a dump, you can proudly join the Republican a.k.a American Fascist Party.