Tuesday, May 3, 2022: Freedom From Religion
"Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's"
For all you Christians out there, I think that Christ made the separation of church and state doctrine quite clear. He knew that once you a merge religion with the state, you no longer have freedom of religion. We do not need a nation built on a fundamentalist Christian base. And frankly, all this bible thumping, flag waving, false patriotism that is rampant in the "right" is fundamentally wrong and a bunch of hogwash. I am not sure how much evil has been done in the name of some god or some religion, but I can assure you that in humankind's history, there has been a shit load. The same can be said for one religion trying to stamp out another religion and the basis that theirs is the only TRUE religion.
I believe that the roll of religion is to teach the fundamental principles and morals that allow flawed human beings to live peacefully together. Unfortunately, most of the time, humankind has managed to screw that up, almost with out fail, in every religion. It comes down to this. At some point, the disciple starts to believe that they have all the fucking answers and everyone else is evil. Assuming there is a Hell, I can assure you the majority of its population will be religious zealots.
Monday, May 2, 2022: The Trumpbot Plague
I am amazed that, despite all of the evidence of Trump's corruption, his lies, and his massive scamming, there are those who still rally around him. I've decided that when they put on their MAGA hats, something is embedded in the their brains that makes them act like Zombies or bots. In their altered state, there is absolutely no critical thinking – just automatic, repetitive, pre-defined responses and actions. Give them a Trump 2024 sign and a T-shirt and they are happy as pigs in shit. And it is not an insignificant number of Americans. By last count, there still seems to be a good 30% of the voting public, and the majority of Republicans who can be classified as Trumpbots. I am not sure there is any way to de-program them. It appears more and more that Trumpbotism is a permanent disability.