Thursday, June 2, 2022: Accessory to Murder
So what is "accessory to murder"? Well, if someone aids in the killing of another person but isn't present when the murder is committed, they can be charged as an "accessory to murder." There are two types of accessory to murder: before the fact and after the fact.
Accessory before the fact or more specifically, aiding and abetting, is when someone helps someone else before they commit murder. For example, this could be buying a gun for someone, knowing that the person was going to use it to harm someone else.
Penalties for accessory to murder can vary, depending on how the crime is charged. In aiding and abetting cases, the defendant typically faces the same charges and penalties as the principal offender. That means for murder cases, the aider and abettor could face up to life in prison without parole.
So the guns being sold, assault rifles and semi-automatic pistols, both with high capacity magazines, have only one purpose - to kill other human beings. The manufacturers and sellers know this. They know that the only reason a person buys one of these weapons is to use it against another human being. Right now Americans own around 20 million assault weapons. Gun manufactures and the NRA continue to promote these weapons with the sole motive to drive up sales. They love mass shootings, because each time there is one, they sell more assault weapons. More assault weapons -> leads to more mass shootings -> leads to the sale of more assault weapons, ad nauseam…. It's a money machine with the ultimate cost being hundreds of human lives and the slaughter of innocent children.
So why can't we hold the manufactures and sellers accountable? Aren't they aiding and abetting this carnage?