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Thursday, July 14, 2022:  A Handmaid's Tale In The Making Handmaids
I cannot for the life of me understand why the right to an abortion is not a first amendment issue. The anti-abortion movement is a religious movement - nothing more - and as such, the right to an abortion is covered under the first amendment. The first amendment gives American' the right to practice the religion of their choice but it also means freedom FROM religion. We are not a Christian nation. We are a nation where you have the right to practice the religion of your choice or no religion whatsoever. In this country, no religion should have the right to force their beliefs on any other citizen. This concept seems to be lost by the holier than thou Christian right. With the Roe decision, the Supreme Court has imposed their religious beliefs on women in America and driven a spike in the heart of our democracy. One has to wonder if this is the start of the American Inquisition – the persecution of any and all the "heretics" who refuse to accept the beliefs of the Catholic inquisitors who make up the majority of today's Supreme Court.

Copyright J. R. Avery
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