Monday, August 1, 2022: Are Bananas Our Next Cash Crop?
I am not sure what the percentage of collective stupidity is that will take down a democracy, but I know we are very close to that number. I do know that it doesn't have to be a majority – especially in a construct that depends on its citizens following the rule of law. Once a large enough group of citizens choose to ignore the law, the democracy on which those laws are built begins to crumble.
Right now the United States' stupid index appears to be at 30%, which I believe is enough to take us down. The next two years will determine if we survive as a democracy or we become just another second rate banana republic in the Americas. Trump has said publicly to a cheering crowd that if elected, he would turn this country into a dictatorship. Sadly, even if we do survive this crisis, our democracy will have been weakened significantly and our position as a world power dramatically diminished.
Russia and China both know that our democracy is in trouble. They are both waiting for us to self-destruct so they can divide up the rest of the world.