Friday, September 9, 2022: You Made My Point
I recently had my email address attacked. I've been in the technology business for many years and this was not a random event. I am sure it was related to my posts on this site.
So here is how it played out. My email address was used to automatically sign me up on hundreds of web sites across the globe. That resulted in a flood of email from the far reaches of the Web, which in turn filled up my inbox. It was for all intents a personalized denial of service attack. There was some work behind this. It exploited sites that allow an interested party to register on-line with their site. Clearly it required some coding (that code may even exist on some site) and a database with web sites that have an unsophisticated registration page. In the end, some of those sites are smart enough to send a confirmation email, so they just shitcan the registration. Others added me to their database and I added them to my spam list.
So this event was a nuisance for me to be sure, but not the end of the world. It does prove my point. Those on right of the political spectrum scream that their lies and hate are being suppressed and that they have a right to say anything they wish. But clearly, when someone on the left expresses their opinions, they should be attacked.
I care very much about my country and the threat posed by a segment of Americans who are hell bent to destroy one of the world's greatest democracies and replace it with an all white, male dominated, fascist state. I have chosen to express my frustration with posts on this site. Sometimes those posts get a bit nasty but there are never any lies or untruths in the material I publish. I can understand that someone on the right of the political spectrum might not like some of what I have to say, but I do have a first amendment right to say it.
Tuesday, September 6, 2022: The First Amendment of the United States Constitution
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Sunday, September 4, 2022: An open post to all MAGA republicans
Ok. You've made your point.
You feel like the world is changing and you are being left in the wake. That the intellectual elite are taking over. Well, you're right on two things, the world is changing and you are being left in the wake. But it is not some intellectual elite that you need to worry about. The democrats you think are the enemy are just like you only with enough smarts to know not to vote against their own best interest. Yes the the world is changing, but in the Republican version of the future, those changes will not benefit you, and that my friends is exactly the way the folks you vote for want it. Reality check: it is not the Democrats who are the problem, it is the Republicans.
America is going to change whether you like it or not and the Republicans you vote for (including the Donald) could NOT give a shit about you. You are being used. The jerks you think are on your side are only interested in staying power so they can screw you (and the rest of us) over.
And let me add that driving around with old glory streaming from the back of your pick-up does not make you a patriot. The American flag is the premier symbol of freedom and democracy, but by voting for a republican, you are making a mockery of all of the principles that flag represents. By supporting republican politicians at any and all levels of government, you are underwriting a bunch of fascist pigs who, given the chance, will take away all of your rights including your right to bear arms.
Do the right thing. Stop supporting those who really don't give a shit about America's greatness. Vote for democrats even if you don't like them, because in the end, you will be far better off.