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Monday, November 8, 2021:  America – On The Road To Destitution
I think most historians would agree that over the last 100 years, America has been one of the greatest countries in the world. But alas, that greatness is being relegated to history. We've been on a downward slide for years, but thanks to the fascist cabal and the Trump presidency, we are just an election or two away an industrialized banana republic.

It is easy to blame the rich fascist pigs that have bankrolled our decline and you have to admire their determination, but in the end it is the general stupidity of the American public that is at the core of our slide into the abyss.

The cabal playbook is simple. It is the old "divide and conquer" strategy that uses fear as its base motivator and amplifies its fear mongering by spreading false narratives on social media. You have to give them credit for successfully capitalizing on Americans love affair with their phones.

So here is where we are headed. We will be a society of extremely stratified social classes with a large impoverished working class and a ruling class plutocracy that will be composed of the business, political, and military elites. The plutocratic ruling class will control the economy by way of the exploitation of labor.

We will be a fascist state with an economy of state capitalism, where the U.S. will be operated as a private commercial enterprise for the exclusive profit of the ruling class. The associated exploitation will be enabled by collusion between the state and favored economic monopolies, in which the profit, derived from the private use of public resources reverts to the ruling class, while the debts incurred are the financial responsibility of the public treasury and paid for by taxing the working class. In the end, this imbalanced economy will be limited by uneven economic development and will result in economic decline and ultimately total failure of the American way of life. A once great society will be reduced to ashes.

Copyright J. R. Avery
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