Monday, October 18, 2021: The Fragility Of Life
Ending the life of a pet that was with us for 12 years reminded me of how very fragile life really is. Her life was snuffed out in a matter of seconds. One moment she was present and alive and the next just an empty shell that once contained whatever it was that made her a faithful, loving, and attentive dog. There are those who claim that humans are the only species that are aware of our own mortality – that we are the only species that actually think about death. The fact is, we don't really know. I believe that there is a whole non-verbal communication that goes on between humans and pets. I think she knew that this trip to the vet was different and based on her behavior may well have known she was about to die. In the end, it was the best thing for her. She was in constant pain, but knowing that did not make the end any easier.
If we as humans really reflected more often on the fragility of life, would the world be a better place or is human kind irreparably flawed? It just seems that throughout history regardless of the society, or country, or ethic group, evil and ugliness have dominated. There is not a day that isn't filled with reminders of our failure to live peacefully with one another.