O C T O B E R   2 0 2 4

Wednesday, October 9, 2024:  On November 5th, Harris/Walz Is The Only Choice!

Why should you vote for Kamala Harris for President of the United States? Well, let's see:

Kamala Harris was a highly effective prosecutor and attorney general. She went on to honorably represent California in the United States Senate. As Vice President, she has been engaged in the successful governance of our country during one of our most difficult periods.

More that any other attribute, Vice President Harris has demonstrated that she will uphold the Constitution of the United States, strengthen our country, and represent the people. Her achievements to date are many and broad in scope.

Legislative and Policy Leadership

  • Set a new record for the most tie-breaking Senate votes cast by a VP in history
  • Expanded the Child Tax Credit to cut child poverty in half
  • Provided $450 billion in relief to 6 million small businesses
  • Sponsored legislation to expand and strengthen Social Security
  • Led the push for the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights Act, federal worker unionization, and overtime pay for farm workers
  • Invested $370 billion to combat climate change and expand energy production
Healthcare and Public Health
  • Voted against Trump's budget cuts to Medicare and Medicaid
  • Stood up for reproductive rights during Trump's Supreme Court nominees' confirmation hearings
  • Launched a national reproductive rights tour, becoming the first VP to visit a reproductive health clinic
  • Led the White House Blueprint for Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis
  • Created the first-ever federal health and safety requirements for maternal emergency services in hospitals
  • Extended postpartum Medicaid coverage from 2 to 12 months to provide lifesaving coverage in 46 states
  • Connected 38,000 people to free 24/7 support with the new National Maternal Mental Health Hotline
  • Shut down scam healthcare websites
  • Sued drug companies for unlawful drug pricing and marketing tactics
  • Allowed Medicare to negotiate lower drug costs, expected to save taxpayers $6 billion
  • Capped the cost of insulin to $35/month for seniors
Economic Justice and Consumer Protection
  • Won $20 billion settlement for homeowners during the foreclosure crisis
  • Took on for-profit colleges that scammed Americans
  • Took on big corporations that took advantage of working people
  • Introduced a student loan forgiveness program for mental health professionals
  • Won settlements from companies that underpaid workers and violated labor laws
  • Protected seniors from fraud and abuse
Gun Violence Prevention
  • Oversees the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention
  • Stopped nearly 30,000 firearms sales to convicted domestic abusers
  • Closed the gun show loophole to ensure sellers conduct background checks
  • Led the fight to pass a red flag law
Global Leadership and Diplomacy
  • Strengthened global alliances by meeting with more than 150 world leaders
  • Kept Americans safe while serving on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Judiciary and Legal Leadership
  • Oversaw the country's largest state justice department
  • Prosecuted transnational gangs, the drug cartels and human traffickers
  • Voted to confirm more women and people of color to make the judiciary look more like America

  • And of course there are these very compelling reasons. Unlike Donald Trump:
    • She IS NOT a convicted felon
    • She HAS NOT claimed to be a successful business person but whose real business expertise is filing for bankruptcy, screwing hard working, honest people out of tens of millions of dollars, and suing half the world
    • She IS NOT a sexual predator and HAS NEVER raped or sexually abused anyone
    • She HAS NOT been found guilty financial fraud
    • She DID NOT appoint the jurists who overturned Roe
    • She HAS NOT stolen classified documents and made every attempt to hide them from the FBI
    • She DID NOT FAIL to mount a timely and effective response to the COVID-19 outbreak resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans while sending scarce COVID tests to Putin
    • She HAS NOT encouraged her followers to use violence against anyone who does not "bend the knee" to her
    • She DID NOT unilaterally back out the Iran nuclear deal which is one of the precursors to the current mess in the Middle East
    • She did not Incite an insurrection designed to stop the certification of a valid Presidential election
    • She HAS NEVER insulted heroes such as John McCain or our many honored veterans
    • She HAS NOT desecrated one of our most sacred United States war memorials as a political stunt
    • She WAS NEVER impeached
    • She IS NOT seditionist
    • She IS NOT a racist
    • She IS NOT a misogamist
    • She HAS Not promised to be a dictator on day one
    • She DOES NOT LIE or promote conspiracy theories
    • She IS NOT an immature, foul-mouthed middle school bully
    • She IS NOT old, fat, bald and senile
    It is hard to believe that at this point there is a whole group that will vote for Trump. The MAGA cult confirms one thing - close to half of the American electorate is either voluntarily ignorant or morally bankrupt.

    The only people worse than Trump are those who defend him like Steven Cheung. The Steven Cheungs in the MAGA world are beyond morally bankrupt if there is such a place.

    Copyright J. R. Avery
    v24.10 r1