S E P T E M B E R   2 0 1 9

Saturday, September 7, 2019:   Nothing Has Changed.
trump version of dorianRemember Trump's insistence that his inauguration was bigger that Obama's and despite clear evidence to the contrary he was not about to back down on his claim. Well the narcissist in chief is at it again. Seems that the "sharpie" enhanced prop showing hurricane Dorian laying waste to Alabama that his royal ass used in an oval office briefing has become his new "I am right and the experts are wrong" battle ground. Never one to back down from a challenge, Trump has made Alabama the latest battlefield in his forever war with the news media, the opposition, the experts and the establishment — one more example of insisting on his version of reality over any other. It is not that he made a mistake, it is that he can't admit he did and drop the subject. But not to pass up an opportunity, (as reported by the NYT) Mr. Trump's campaign sought to capitalize on the attention by offering to sell pens with the president's signature on them; a set of five went for $15.

"Buy the official Trump marker, which is different than every other marker on the market, because this one has the special ability to drive @CNN and the rest of the fake news crazy!" Brad Parscale, the president's campaign manager, tweeted, adding the hashtag: "#KeepMarkersGreat."

And guess what, I bet they sold a bunch to the idiots that support the forecaster in Chief.

Copyright J. R. Avery
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